Monday, August 23, 2010

Delicious Dinners

Every evening I ponder how to differently use the squash from our garden for preparing dinner.  We have so much, why not use it rather than spending money on vegetables from the supermarket?  We are almost sick of it (sarcastically spoken).  Many times I use it as a meat substitute in recipes I am already familiar with.  This is okay to do if you balance your diet to get the iron and protein you need from other sources.  My husband has always been an avid lover of meat, and generally would not be pleased to find out there was no meat in dinner when I first began implementing a less carnivorous approach to meal preparation.  However, he has always supported me and complimented the chef on her efforts anyhow.  Last week he was in charge of dinner, and this is what he came up with as a main dig, with a side of pasta salad.  It is full of fresh herbs, including stevia, sage, and lemon balm, giving it a very sweet bite that I wasn't expecting!  Good job Honey!  How would you vary your dinners if you had to use the same ingredient every evening?

1 comment:

  1. My husband and I have been vegetarian for 10 years now. There is a great book called Veganomicon that has great veggie dishes. You should check it out from the library.

    What I do if I have veggies and no idea what to do with them, google it. I have a few great food blogs that I like. I will have to get them off of my desktop.

