Friday, February 18, 2011

Meat and Taters

I have a one year old who has somehow bonded with a sweet potato! He carried it around for awhile. I put it on the counter at nap time and gave him his bottle. He wanted the sweet potato back. I let him sleep with it...?!!   My husband said something about him playing with a piece of meat for his next new toy, because he is a meat and taters kind of a boy!  So I couldn't resist letting him play with a piece of meat from the freezer just long enough to get a picture!

Trevor's Tower

For those of you who aren't around toddlers too often, you may think it is the tower building Trevor is interested in when you see this picture.  If you are around toddlers day in and day out, then you will know all too well that Mommy is the one who built the tower, because all Trevor wants to do it tumble it down!