Friday, March 11, 2011

Yogurt Cheese Balls

I am expounding upon my homemade yogurt recipe. If taken a step further, one can make a creamy yogurt cheese. This is the easiest (and only) cheese I know how to make. You will need cheesecloth, a deep large bowl, and a string or twistie tie. Also helpful is a permanent hook fixture and paperclip. Fold your cheesecloth in half and place in bowl. Fill with your homemade yogurt, however much will fit, then gather up the cloth and tie with the string. You can then hook the paperclip onto the tie and place on hook with bowl placed underneath to catch dripping whey. I didn't have a hook to use, so I let the yogurt hang over the side of the bowl at the top. I made sure to drain the whey accordingly so that it would not soak the ball of yogurt. The instructions I followed suggested no refrigeration while this drains for 24 hours for a more sour cheese, but if you don't enjoy the sour I guess you could let it drain in the refrigerator. After 24 hours when you unwrap the yogurt you will find a soft, spreadable cream cheese with live yogurt culture. You can use it as is, or continue to season with onion powder, garlic salt, ranch dressing powder, bacon bits, chopped nuts, or whatever you prefer. I rolled mine into cheese balls after seasoning and covered with chopped walnuts. Yum!


  1. Hey, Chelle? It's Charity, from PitterPatHeart - did you know that you won the It's in the Bag giveaway? All I need from you is an address where you want the book to be sent! Please contact me so we can get you your prize!

  2. Hey, it's Charity again - just wanted to let you know that if I don't hear from you by Friday, I'm going to have to give the prize to someone else. I'm sorry! I hope you get this.
